(Center name, local contact, Department)
Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) : Department of Oncology and Interdisciplinary Oncology Centres
Clinique de Genolier (link) : Madam Miriam Hernandez Bailon, Oncology Division Coordinator, MHernandez@genolier.net, Department of Oncology
Clinique Générale Beaulieu (link) : Madam Miriam Hernandez Bailon, Oncology Division Coordinator, MHernandez@genolier.net, Department of Oncology
Hôpital Riviera-Chablais (HRC) : Dr. Emanuela Salati emanuela.salati@hopitalrivierachablais.ch and Madam Romaine Merminod, Project coordinator, romaine.merminod@hopitalrivierachablais.ch, Abteilung Onkologie, reparto di oncologia, Department of Oncology
Hôpital de la Tour (link) : Mr. Anthony Pernoud, Clinical Research Associate, anthony.pernoud@latour.ch, Department of Oncology and Heamatology
Hôpital du Jura (H-JU) : Madam Laure Schlup, 032 421 24 84, Jura Oncology Competence Center
Hôpital fribourgeois (HFR) : Dr. Adrienne Bettini, Adrienne.Bettini@h-fr.ch, Department of Oncology
Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève (HUG) : Oncology Service and Cancer Center
Réseau Hospitalier Neuchâtelois (RHNe) : Dr. Alix Stern, 032 967 21 41, secretariatoncologie.cdf@rhne.ch, Department of Oncology
Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern (Link): University Cancer Center Inselspital (UCI)
Kantonsspital Baden (KSB) : Department of Oncology and Haematology
Kantonsspital Graubünden (KSGR) : PD Dr. med. Richard Cathomas, Head Physician Oncology and Haematology: richard.cathomas@ksgr.ch and Gabriela Manetsch, Head of Clinical Trial Team: gabriela.manetsch@ksgr.ch, Department of Oncology and Haematology
Kantonsspital Luzern (LUKS) : Prof. Dr. Stefan Aebi : stefan.aebi@luks.ch and Dr. Ramona Meier : ramona.meier@luks.ch, service d’oncologie médicale
Kantonsspital St.Gallen (KSSG) : Matthias Hellberg-Naegele, Matthias.Hellberg-Naegele@kssg.ch, Network Oncology/Haematology
Lindenhofgruppe (Link): Simone Voldrich: simone.voldrich@lindenhofgruppe.ch and Yael Rachamin: yael.rachamin@lindenhofgruppe.ch, Departement of medical Oncology
Solothurner Spitäler (soH) : Walter Mingrone: walter.mingrone@spital.so.ch, Oncology Center
Tumor Zentrum Aargau (TZA) : Tumor Center
Universitätsspital Basel (USB): Oncology Center
Universitätsspital Zürich (USZ) : Anna Götz: 043 253 22 18 or anna.goetz@usz.ch, Clinic of Medical Oncology and Haematology and Comprehensive Cancer Center Zürich
Zuger Kantonsspital (ZGKS) : Department of Oncology and Haematology
Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale (EOC) : Prof.ssa Dr. med. Cristiana Sessa, cristiana.sessa@eoc.ch 091 811 81 81, Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland (IOSI)
The Center for Primary Care and Public Health, known as Unisanté, is active in research, academic training, prevention and ambulatory care. It has more than 880 employees spread over more than 15 sites in the Lausanne conurbation and the canton of Vaud. Innovative and unique in Switzerland, Unisanté promotes interdisciplinary as well as the union of competences committed to health issues. Within Unisanté, the "Health Services Research" sector covers the broad field of health services research, including the needs and expectations of users of health services, as well as patient-reported measures.
The Institute of Higher Education and Research in Healthcare (IUFRS), attached to the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne (UNIL), performs training and research in the field of nursing care as its fundamental mission. It designs, implements, and ensures the quality of training programs at a master and doctoral level, as well as research activities in its fields of competence, which are nursing science.
The Patient Lab in oncology
Affiliated to the Swiss Cancer Center Leman (SCCL), the Patient Lab in oncology is a reference center for patient and public involvement (PPI) in cancer research in Western Switzerland. It aims to innovate and promote a transdisciplinary partnership with cancer patients, caregivers, and public representatives at all stages of research and to develop new or improved models of support and care.